Kingscliff Podiatry offer podiatry services from Meadows Medical Centre on most Thursdays and Fridays
Kingscliff Podiatry welcomes Private Patients, Health Funds, DVA card holders, EPC referrals
FOR MORE INFORMATION and TO BOOK… Call Kingscliff Podiatry on 02 6674 2933
Emily Webber offers Exercise Physiology services from Meadows Medical Centre on a Wednesday.
Emily offers assistance with Chronic Pain and Injury Management, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Falls Prevention and Children with Disabilities.
Emily accepts referrals through Medicare (EPC), DVA,NDIS and HCP. She also sees private clients (rebate available through private healthinsurance) and the occasional WorkCover or CTP client.
For more information and to book: call 0490788310
Renee is friendly, empathetic and has a wholistic view on health. She loves being able to sit down with a client and really connect, hear their story and support them to reach their nutrition goals.
Renee uses a Non-Diet approach to weight management and specialises in Eating disorders and disordered eating, Chronic Disease, Malnutrition and unintentional weight loss, Gastrointestinal concerns and DVA home visit consultations.
For more information and to book: call 0412 591 424
Anna Sheraton visits our practice on Tuesdays.
Osteopathy employs gentle, non-invasive therapies such as muscle soft-tissue release, dry needling, joint mobilisation and manipulation, stretching, and exercises to support your healing journey.
For more information and bookings visit: https://www.brunsvalleyosteo.com.au/
Bethany Hudson is an experienced registered psychologist offering psychological services for the assessment, treatment, management and recovery from mood, trauma, substance, addiction, personality, and intra/inter-personal issues and patterns. Services include therapy, assessments and reports.
Referrals and patient enquiries can be sent to: reception@hudsonpsychology.com.au
Hearing Australia offer Free Hearing Screening services every month at Meadows Medical Centre.
Screening is quick and easy and provides reassurance if you have concerns about your hearing. If required, you can then be referred for a full audiological assessment at Ocean Shores or Tweed Heads.
Screening is Free.
Follow-up Audiolgy review may attract some charges.
TO BOOK… Call Meadows Medical Centre on 6684 2300